Diving the "Angela Pando" wreck. Gran Canaria


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Angela Pando (ex Solares) was built in 1970, by Astano shipyards (El Ferrol, Galicia, Spain) for Naviera de Castilla. She was 41,759 TRB, 32,730 TRN and 65,720 TPM . Measuring 253.8 meters long, with a beam of 32.3 m. and a height of 19.0 m.,she had a max. draft of 13.21 m. One diesel engine, with 15,890 HP, propelled the ship up to 16 knots.

She was a bulk-carrier hardened for mineral transport. By 1981 was sold to Marítima Antares, also from Santander (Spain) and named Angela Pando. There is a nice model at Santander Instituto Social de la Marina entrance hall.

Load was 64,000 tons. of mineral iron powder, known as mimba fine grain, from the Liberia mines to Ensidesa plant, in Gijón, Spain. Load has been left underwater with the approval of scientists and government.

Angela Pando (ex Solares) run aground on July 14th of 1986, hurting a rock, half an hour after leaving Las Palmas, due to a general electrical failure. Se had serious damages to the whole plan and water entered engine room and holds. 50 fuel tons were poured to the sea trough a stern leak.

Trip: Buchanan-Gijon, Load: iron mineral. Rescue efforts give up on september 8th. Being impossible to float it again, the wreck was sold for on site scraping.

Angela Pando at sea.
The Angela Pando wreckage.

The Angela Pando wreck: UW pictures by Landive


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